There are many parks in Bath, but my favourite is the Botanical Gardens. Every season provides the visitor with something different to see. In spring and summer the trees and beautiful flowers are in bloom, and the sounds of newborn birds fills the air. In autumn the golden sunshine looks amazing as it shines weakly through the brown and orange leaves as they fall from the trees. And in the frosty winter there is a stillness as you walk on the crispy grass and past the frozen ponds.
Ben Whittaker, a GB boxer, and Sky Brown, a young skateboarder won Olympic 2020 medals this week. Ben won a silver and Sky won a bronze. But their reactions were very different. Bath City Language Coaching asks Does Winning Matter?
Bath’s King Bladud gets a visit from Bath City Language Coaching to tell the story of how Bath’s magical waters, some pigs with leprosy, and some acorns were to help in making Bath the famous city it is today.