Bath City Language Coaching visits the famous Star Inn

Bath City Language Coaching tutor, Simon, pops out for a quick pint of Bellringer at one of the oldest pubs in Bath, namely the Star Inn. Join Simon for a beer and learn some interesting facts about what many people consider to be the best drinking establishment in the whole country.

Find out why a certain bench in the pub is known as Death Row. It’s got nothing to do with prisons, by the way. In his explanation, Jon, the landlord of the Star Inn mentions old boys shuffling off this mortal coil. By this, he’s referring politely to elderly gentlemen drinkers dying.

Next, watch as Simon makes the schoolboy error of getting the barmaid’s name wrong before she even pours his beer. It’s Jaz, not Yaz. But she does pour a particularly perfect pint. And it tastes even more delicious after lockdown restrictions meant that Simon couldn’t visit the Star for many months.

I can’t recommend the Star highly enough. If I could run Bath City Language Coaching from the pub lounge, I would. However, I’m not sure it would come across as very professional.

Watch the video on the Bath City Language Coaching YouTube channel, click subscribe to see more videos I shoot around Bath and leave a comment about where your favourite pub, bar, or cafe is, and what is so special about it. And finally, don’t forget to visit the Star Inn next time you are in Bath.


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